Saturday, July 12, 2014

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones

Laughter is GOOD Medicine

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Age is Getting a BAD Rap

Low energy- I am getting old aches and pains- I am getting old can't see- I am getting old Forget- I am getting old These are a few examples of what I am hearing. It seems age is always getting the blame. In all actuality Age is only 20% to blame for how we age. What we eat or how we fuel our body is the real culprit. Years of drinking soda, skipping meals, fast or processed food, lack of water, to name of few take a toll on the body. Skipping meals, drinking soda and other eating habits affect the rise and fall of blood sugar making your pancreas work harder. You may never be diagnosed with diabetes but the complications or damage done by this can be significant. Blindness, loss of limbs, neuropathy, hardening of the arteries, heart disease, kidney failure, and weight gain are a few consequences. Aches and Pains? Staying properly hydrated, keep away from soda, and eating more food with Omega 3's than Omega 6's can help avoid. Our muscles and joints need to stay lubricated. The best way is by drinking water, not juice or soda. Soda robs the calcium from our bones. With 206 bones and 230 joints we have 436 reasons why we should be concerned about taking care of them. Did you Forget? Our brains are made up of mostly water. According to WebMD "Some conditions that cause dementia can be reversed. Reversible conditions can be caused by a high fever, dehydration, vitamin deficiency and poor nutrition, bad reactions to medicines, problems with the thyroid gland, or a minor head injury" Eating healthy, exercise and staying hydrated are important to your health. Before you blame age for your ailments. Think have I been eating right, do I get enough exercise, how much water did I drink today. If you feel you are eating the best you can, exercising enough and drinking plenty of water the problem may be absorption. If you are taking it in but your body doesn't absorb it you will not benefit. Digestive issues play a role in absorption and a good digestive cleanse is necessary. You wouldn't drive your car without changing the oil would you. Would you put oil in the gas tank? Of course not. How we fuel and take care of our bodies should be more important than our bodies. To improve your digestive health you may think about supplementing with a quality Digestive Health program. Do you feel you are eating right but just not able to eat enough of the right things. Supplementing can help. Fiber supplements are available if you are not eating at least 35-50g of fiber daily. Blaming age or heredity isn't going to help. Correcting your diet will.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Keeping Your Immune System Strong

Your immune system not only helps you fight off things like the cold or the flu but also helps to reduce your risk of infection. I recently read in a health  magazine that the death from Septic infections is on the rise. If you get a scratch or a cut you are at risk of infection, if you go for any type of surgery you are at risk for infection.

A friend of mines mom went for gall bladder surgery. No big deal right. She is no longer with us. Another friend wanted to lose weight and improve her health but decided  not get started on my nutritional program because she was going to be going to Florida after the holidays and she was going to start walking with her friend. In Florida she went to the hospital not feeling well and is no longer with us because of an infection.

It is so hard to get all the nutrients we need from diet alone. Supplementation is so important, but when it comes to supplementation we need the right combination of vitamins and minerals that will work together for our good as well as the right amount of each. Our bodies can only absorb so much at once. If we are supplementing and not absorbing it is not going to do us any good.

Cellular nutrition is getting the  nutrients we need at the cellular level.

Watch this short video to learn more.

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DISCLAIMER: Herbalife products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. However, when the body is getting complete nutrition at the cellular level amazing results can occur!