Healthy Fats include Canoala oil, corn oil, Olive oil (pure and virgin), Safflower oil, Sesame Oil (light and dark) as well as vegetable oil.
Say NO to Saturated Fats, Trans Fats and Dietary Cholesterol.
If your diet consists of a lot of animal products--particularly such fatty meats as beef, pork, lamb, veal, and poultry skin, and such dairy foods as whole milk, cheese, ice cream--you are probably relying to heavily on saturated fats which can ravage your arteries.
Trans fats raise LDL to dangerous levels are the result of hydrogenation-- a manufactured food process in whcih hydrogen is added to vegetable oil to lengthen the shelf life. The following foods are high in trans fats so be sure to avoid them regardless of how good they taste. They are NOT worth it: packaged cakes, cookies, crackers, pastry, bread, butter or margarine; such snack foods as potato chips, taco chips, and popcorn; fried potatoes, and commercial salad dressings.
Dietary Cholesterol: Steer clear of organ meats like liver, hot dogs, salami, fatty red meats like rib steak, egg yolks, cream cheese, rich cheeses like cheddar and triple cremes, full-fat dairy products and ice cream.
You can improve you good cholesterol by eating foods higher in Omega-3 fatty acids such as: Anchovy, canola oil, cod liver oil, flaxseed oil, Herring, Mackeral, pumpkin seeds, and Salmon.
It is important to eat more Omega 3's than 6's. Many people are unable to eat this kind of diet and need to supplement. If your looking for some good heart healthy supplements go to Be Heart Smart today. Ask me about how you can receive the book "NO More Heart Disease" FREE.