Friday, April 24, 2015

Bone Facts

Osteoporosis is now an epidemic in the US.

Strong evidence exists that patients who suffer from arthritis are deficient in several antioxidants and supporting nutrients such as vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin E, boron (a mineral), and vitamin B3

Our nations diet is high in meats and carbonated beverages, which increase the intake of phosphorous and decreases our absorption of calcium.

Inadequate intake of any nutrients required for bone health contributes to osteoporosis.

Magnesium: if there is a deficiency in magnesium it can lead to vitamin D resistance. Vitamin D needs magnesium to convert to its most active form. Dietary surveys have shown that 80-85% of Americans consume a magnesium deficient diet.

Vitamin D:  Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of Calcium. A recent study done by The New England Journal of Medicine reported that 93% of the patients in their study were Vitamin D deficient. The conclusion of the study was the everyone needs to be supplementing at a level significantly higher than the recommended daily allowance.

There are several more vitamins needed for proper bone health including Vit K, Manganese, (Folic Acid, B6, and B12 ) This combination improves Homocysteine. Homocysteine is not only bad for your blood vessels but is also bad for your bones. Individuals with severe elevations of Homocysteine have been found to have significant osteoporosis as well.

More vitamins and minerals : Boron Silicon and Zinc.

The key to both preventing arthritis and osteoporosis is CELLULAR NUTRITION.

I don't go a day without mine. It's been 6 years and I have no evidence of any arthritis, circulation, blood sugar or other heart health conditions.

shop now and get on the road to good health

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