Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Neuropathy and Alpha-Lipoic Acid

What is alpha-lipoic acid and what does it do? Alpha-lipoic acid (also called lipoic acid or, in its natural form, R-alpha-lipoic acid) is an antioxidant that assists the body in the conversion of glucose to energy. It seems to reduce symptoms of peripheral neuropathy in people with diabetes, and may help control blood sugar. It has other potential benefits, including improving skin appearance, but the evidence for many of these uses is only preliminary or mixed.

For more information and a good source of alpha-lipoic acid CLICK HERE

Nitric Oxide is also important to diabetic because even if you follow doctor's recommendations regarding blood glucose measurements, medications, and diet you are not immune from serious complications and NO can help. I recommend the book "NO More Heart Disease" by Dr Lou Ignarro to learn more. In the book he provides a proven program for boosting the production of the body's own wonder drug (nitric oxide (NO))

interested in learning more about neuropathy here are a few links



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