Monday, January 14, 2013

Can getting rid of Back Pain be this EASY?

In a status update a friend posted on facebook Jan 14, 2013

"The moment I fell in love with *Herbalife was the moment I realized I no longer needed pain killers for my back. That day I woke up and the numbness in my legs went away!. Herniated L4 and Ruptured L5 were cause all my sciatic pain. Guess what!??!? Took me only two weeks. And the pain Hasn't not returned in over a year!!!!

ME : Really. What made it go away? Was it losing weight? Were you taking Joint Support? What were you doing exactly in those 2 weeks?

Response:  Extra calcium and joint support. Tablets. Took the joint support for me knee but it helped with my back also. Extra cal tablets and I had not even tried a shake till February lol

Me: Did you take the recommended dosage or more?

Response:  It was easy and simple. Just three times a day. Now I just take them in the morning and before bed time. I have my mom and my dad on it. A friend/ customer from hobbs on it. Same exact problem and same exact results!

 All I did was take the tablets lol. I know its hard to believe but I didn't switch my diet until 3 weeks before my ACL surgery on march 12. Lost 21 lbs in those three weeks

In another post from another friend I read

" Before Herbalife I was Morbidly obese, slept most of the day, on over 40 rx meds a day and no life or potential for one. I felt like I was going to die. NOW, I have my life back, I don't even take naps, I have limitless energy and as of last week was taken off of my neurotin for neuropathic pain that I have been on for 16 years!! I now only take 3 rx meds and plan to be off of those by years end! I was a firefighter/emt in New Mexico and was seriously injured on the job....told I would never walk again. That just wasn't the rest of my life, just look at me now!! I LOVE HERBALIFE!!"*

 Note: Herbalife is governed under the food portion of the FDA and is not a drug.

All supplements are not the same.  As a member of Consumer Lab who tests supplements for quality I warn that getting supplements in the stores you are not guaranteed that your body will be able to absorb them, that the correct amounts of ingredients are in them, etc. The ingredients vary and the amounts.  I recommend these products if you want these results. Visit my website and register for your own login and receive complete details. All Herbalife products come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

*Disclaimer:  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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