Friday, June 21, 2013

MSG is Hiding in our Food

MSG can cause severe reactions in people. Reactions include- migraine headaches, diarrhea, upset stomach, heart problems, asthma, fuzzy thinking, and mood swings. Doctors consider MSG an excitotoxin, which hinders brain function and have linked it to autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Furthermore, doctors consider MSG an addictive substance, so it is linked to obesity and diabetes. MSG is hidden in over 40 ingredients in our food. A word to look for on the label is hydrolized. Hydrolized is a code word for MSG. Here are some ingredients that contain processed free glutamic acid. • Glutamic Acid • Glutamate • Monosodium glutamate • Monopotassium glutamate • Calcium glutamate • Monoammonium glutamate • Magnesium glutamate • Natrium glutamate • Yeast extract • Anything "Hydrolyzed" • Any "hydrolyzed protein" • Calcium caseinate • Sodium caseinate • Yeast food • Yeast nutrient • Autolyzed yeast • Gelatain • Texured protein • Soy protein • Soy protein concentrate • Soy protein isolate • Whey protein • Whey protein concentrate • Whey protein isolate • Anything "...protein" such as corn protein or tomato protein

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