Friday, January 6, 2012

Low Sodium Diets and High Blood Pressure

We have all heard that a low sodium diet is important when it comes to blood pressure. What you also need is Pottassium. One of the major causes of High blood pressure is a diet that is HIGH in Sodium and LOW in Pottassium, magnesium and calcium. Pottassium is a mineral for the heart, kidneys, and other organs to work normally. Some great food sources of Pottasium include: Bananas, Potatoes, Nuts, cooked Spinach, Sweet Potato, Yogurt, cantaloupe, cooked broccoli,milk, avacados, beans or fish. Calcium rich foods include: skim milk, low fat cheese,almonds, yogurt, and sardines. It's important to cut soda's from your daily intake as the phosphorus in soda depletes the calcium from your body. If you have arthritis you it is important to get enough Vitamin D and magnesium as well. These help drive the calcium to your bones. When taking a supplement its best to take one that doesn't give you too much all at once as your body can only absorb so much. It's also best to get a supplement where you can get Vitamin D, Calcium and Magnesium all in one tablet. For an quality nutritional supplements go to Magnesium food sources include green leafy vegetables, brazil nuts,almonds, soybeans, quinoa, and halibut. Tip: try Endammame soybeans. They are delicous. You can find them in the freezer section. I got them at Walmart. A box of 6 packages for under $3.

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