Friday, January 6, 2012

High Blood Pressure and Celery

I read an article recently where the claim is that celery may help in reducing blood pressure. Celery is a good source of Vitamin C and Vitamin A. I like my celery with a little egg salad or peanut butter on top. It makes a great satisying snack. Celery can actually help in preventin your teeth from staining too. So when your out and about an you don't have the toothbrush handy. Munching on some celery can help to clean your teeth. If you have high blood pressure and your overweight the best thing you can do is lose weight. If your having trouble losing weight with diet alone you may need a nutritional program that helps to increase the amount of protein, vitamins, and nutrients in your diet. You do not have to give up the foods you love to lose weight. Sign up for a free wellness evaluation at

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