Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Belly Buster Tip

Eating fewer carbs leads to a flatter stomach*.

Insulin causes fat to be stored in the belly, and belly fat is related to heart disease and diabetes*.

When you eat a diet that includes foods that are lower on the glycemic index scale you will have a slimmer middle.

Go GREEN green leafy vegetables contain few calories and more nutrients than virtually any other food*. So eat to your hearts desire.

*source:  the Doctors Book of Healing Foods

Would you like to lose up to 30 lbs in 30 days? Get the program that is right for you.  We like to call the Ultimate Program our Belly Buster program because it helps get rid of belly fat the quickest. Order today. 100% satisfaction Guaranteed.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Tired of Fighting Acne

Herbalife products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. However, when the body is getting complete nutrition at the cellular level amazing results can occur!

shop now and get results at www.HerbalVermont.com or call 888-279-2124

you can order over the phone or online. You will receive a Free Wellness Evaluation and learn how you can get a discount.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Approaching Menopause

There are health risks you should be concerned with as you approach menopause. Once a woman reaches menopause the risk for heart disease and osteoporosis increases. A healthy diet can help prevent these and it is never too late to start. Aerobic exercise is good for your heart and strength training for your bones.

Here is a link to a great slideshow that will give you  more detailed information as to what to expect as your approach menopause and are going through perimenopause

It is hard to get all the nutrition you need from diet alone and we usually need to supplement. Our bones need calcium, vit D and magnesium to help stay strong and this supplement contains what you need in one tablet. We have over 200 bones including our teeth. Let's take care of them. 

A friend of mine (only 51) lost her footing somehow and fell going into her home. She said she didn't think anything of it. She didn't fall too hard. She now walks with a cane. I bu

You can have osteoporosis and not ever know it until a fall or injury occurs. 

For your heart, protein is important because "A lack of protein can lead to a weakening of the heart and respiratory sysstem". Our heart is an important muscle in our body. Protein helps build lean muscle and burn fat. Choose healthy sources of protein. Those that are low in fat and cholesterol. 

It doesn't have to be expensive to get what you need. I buy all mine wholesale. You can too.

Support strong bones and teeth with Xtra-Cal ® Advanced. This supplement is formulated to aid the absorption and digestion of calcium and to support healthy aging.*

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Shun Pesticides

Herbs such as Dill, Cilantro and Mint as well as flowers like Zinnias and Cosmos, keep garden pests at bay, says Baltimore garden consultant Chrissa Carlson.

Some of the Benefits of Cilantro:

prevent cardiovascular damage
has been shown to have anti-anxiety affects
is a powerful metal cleanse
aids in lowering blood sugar
 and more

Some Benefits of Dill:

a liver and colon cleanser
aids in relieving constipation
reducing bone loss

a great source of Calcium and dietary fiber. It is also a good source of the minerals, Iron, Manganese, and Magnesium

Calcium is important for reducing the amount of bone loss that occurs after menopause and in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Benefits of MINT:

relief of headaches
relieves nausea
reduces inflammation
reduces congestion
fights depression and fatigue
reduces acne or pimples
bug repellent
relieves itching
prevent cancer
inhibits the growth of bacteria in the mouth

read more about Mint

read more about Dill

Friday, June 21, 2013

Avoiding the MSG Threat

Avoiding the MSG threat. Great informational video to help you be more aware of what is in our foods that may be causing negative health effecsts and how we can avoid them.

MSG is Hiding in our Food

MSG can cause severe reactions in people. Reactions include- migraine headaches, diarrhea, upset stomach, heart problems, asthma, fuzzy thinking, and mood swings. Doctors consider MSG an excitotoxin, which hinders brain function and have linked it to autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Furthermore, doctors consider MSG an addictive substance, so it is linked to obesity and diabetes. MSG is hidden in over 40 ingredients in our food. A word to look for on the label is hydrolized. Hydrolized is a code word for MSG. Here are some ingredients that contain processed free glutamic acid. • Glutamic Acid • Glutamate • Monosodium glutamate • Monopotassium glutamate • Calcium glutamate • Monoammonium glutamate • Magnesium glutamate • Natrium glutamate • Yeast extract • Anything "Hydrolyzed" • Any "hydrolyzed protein" • Calcium caseinate • Sodium caseinate • Yeast food • Yeast nutrient • Autolyzed yeast • Gelatain • Texured protein • Soy protein • Soy protein concentrate • Soy protein isolate • Whey protein • Whey protein concentrate • Whey protein isolate • Anything "...protein" such as corn protein or tomato protein

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Business Opportunity Overview

Earn what your worth today. Sign up for a free information package at www.SaaVentures.com and schedule an interview today. Never sold anything before or need help. A training program is available but not mandatory. It is only 24.95 a month. It not only gives you training you also receive some great tools to manage your business. Go to www.SaaVentures.com now and I will contact you to schedule your interview and send out the information package FREE.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Herbalife Business Oppportunity

I have been a distributor for 4 years now. I am so blessed to have found this opportunity. To schedule an interview just sign up for the free information package to learn more at www.SaaVentures.com and I will contact you to arrange a phone interview and help you get started. I have an awesome training program available that can help you put money in your pocket your first week like I did.

I worked other opportunities for months and made nothing. This company rocks. We have what people need and want.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Can getting rid of Back Pain be this EASY?

In a status update a friend posted on facebook Jan 14, 2013

"The moment I fell in love with *Herbalife was the moment I realized I no longer needed pain killers for my back. That day I woke up and the numbness in my legs went away!. Herniated L4 and Ruptured L5 were cause all my sciatic pain. Guess what!??!? Took me only two weeks. And the pain Hasn't not returned in over a year!!!!

ME : Really. What made it go away? Was it losing weight? Were you taking Joint Support? What were you doing exactly in those 2 weeks?

Response:  Extra calcium and joint support. Tablets. Took the joint support for me knee but it helped with my back also. Extra cal tablets and I had not even tried a shake till February lol

Me: Did you take the recommended dosage or more?

Response:  It was easy and simple. Just three times a day. Now I just take them in the morning and before bed time. I have my mom and my dad on it. A friend/ customer from hobbs on it. Same exact problem and same exact results!

 All I did was take the tablets lol. I know its hard to believe but I didn't switch my diet until 3 weeks before my ACL surgery on march 12. Lost 21 lbs in those three weeks

In another post from another friend I read

" Before Herbalife I was Morbidly obese, slept most of the day, on over 40 rx meds a day and no life or potential for one. I felt like I was going to die. NOW, I have my life back, I don't even take naps, I have limitless energy and as of last week was taken off of my neurotin for neuropathic pain that I have been on for 16 years!! I now only take 3 rx meds and plan to be off of those by years end! I was a firefighter/emt in New Mexico and was seriously injured on the job....told I would never walk again. That just wasn't the rest of my life, just look at me now!! I LOVE HERBALIFE!!"*

 Note: Herbalife is governed under the food portion of the FDA and is not a drug.

All supplements are not the same.  As a member of Consumer Lab who tests supplements for quality I warn that getting supplements in the stores you are not guaranteed that your body will be able to absorb them, that the correct amounts of ingredients are in them, etc. The ingredients vary and the amounts.  I recommend these products if you want these results. Visit my website www.HerbalVermont.com and register for your own login and receive complete details. All Herbalife products come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

*Disclaimer:  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.