Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Evidence links Sodium to other serious health problems

It is no longer just heart disease and strokes that sodium causes. Evidence now shows sodium being the cause for other serious health problems. Thes include: cancer, diabetes, kidney failure, osteoporosis, sleep apnea and dementia.

Most chronic conditions cannot be fixed once they occur. They may occur without warning. I have talked to a few people with kidney failure that had no idea they were at risk. They have no idea what caused it. It just happened. I would be willing to bet sodium played a part. Sodium does damage over a long period of time. Without the proper nutrients excess sodium remains in the body damaging are blood vessels, bones, kidneys, etc. Pottasium, Magnesium and Calcium all aid in the removal of excess sodium from our body.

You may say I don't eat a lot of sodium in my food. The truth is you may not realize how much sodium you are actually taking in. Sodium is in so many things including celery. Yes that is right celery sticks have sodium. You really must become more consciously aware of how much sodium is in what you are eating. If you are serving anything that comes in a bottle, can or package the chance of it having a high sodium content is high. Sauces, dressings, etc. Be sure to compare not by price but by sodium content. Choose products low in saturated fat and sodium.
Increase your intake in fresh fruits and vegetables. Shop the produce, meat and dairy dept more and the inside aisles less. Read the labels.

Anything that comes in a bottle, can or package are not only high in things that are bad for you but low in the things that are good for you. Our bodies need nutrients for a healthy immune system and to protect us from the bad. Yes it is ok to eat bad things in limitted amt. but it is important to be sure we are getting all the good nutrients to combat it and protect us.

It is difficult to get all the vitamins and minerals we need from diet alone. Many people work long hours, skip meals and do not take the time for a healthy meal. People are at risk for nutritional deficiencies that lead to chronic illnesses and disease.

When taking nutritional supplements it is important to remember that some vitamins and minerals are only effective if the have another. For ex. Calcium needs Vitamin d. Vitamin D is the engine that drives calcium to our bones. Taking a calcium supplement and not getting vitamin d is a waste. It is not going to help your bones. To ensure you are getting adequate amounts of the right vitamins and minerals including pottasium, magnesium, and calcium with proper absorption I recommend a good cellular nutrition program. People are taking too many unneccessary vitamins and may not be getting the benefits of them because they are deficient in some. Cellular nutrition ensures optimal levels of all the vitamins and minerals at optimal levels to ensure you are getting what you need.

Herbalife's Cellular Nutrition program includes 3 products and it is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Contact me today and I will show you how to save 35% off by buying wholesale. To check out what is included and to contact me click here.

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